Kick-Off Call
Sets the course for a smooth and successful collaboration
access_time30 minutes
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New Provider Training
For therapists, case managers, and peer support specialists
access_time 60 minutes
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Patient Retention Training
Helping clients stay the course to long-term recovery
access_time 60 minutes
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Required Data Submission Training
For both provider admins and front-line workers
access_time 60 minutes
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Community Resources
A county by county list you can refer to for support
Click to go there now!
Provider Orientation Is Required Within the First 30 Days of Joining the BHCDP Progam
Program Goals
Provider Responsibilities
Data Collection
Referral Workflows
Role of the AOC Case Navigator
Education and Employment Opportunities for Participants
Reimbursements for Providers
This general overview is for your organization’s point of contact, clinic managers, and frontline staff. Only one person from your organization is required to attend as part of the onboarding process, but you may find it helpful to ask anyone at your organization to attend who is participating or connected with this program.
If you and your staff need a different time, or a separate training for your organization, we are happy to schedule other dates.
Teams Meeting ID
278 832 736 627
Current Schedule
January 4 & 18 10 am
Feb. 1 & 15 10 am
March 14 & 28 10 am
April 11 & 25 10 am
May 9 & 24 10 am
June 6 & 20 10 am
July 18 10 am
Aug. 1 & 16 10am
Sept. 12 & 26 10 am
Oct. 10 & 24 10 am
Nov. 7 10 am
Dec. 5 10 am
Our Support Team Is Standing By To Assist You
Jade Hampton
Provider Liaison
Before joining the Fletcher Group as Data Collection Coordinator, Jade served as Campus Administrator for a 120-bed mens facility and Senior Regional Director overseeing 11 recovery facilities in Eastern Kentucky. Named the Kentucky Addiction Recovery Care Director of the Year in 2021, Jade is a Certified Social Worker and Alcohol and Drug Counselor who gained his Bachelor of Social Work degree at Morehead State University and his Master in Social Work degree at the University of Campbellsville.
Erin Henle
Program Director
Before joining the Fletcher Group as Project Manager, Erin accumulated over 20 years of administrative experience in all levels of behavioral health. During that time she co-founded the Kentucky Recovery Housing Coalition and served as a consultant with the Office of Trafficking in Persons, helping that federal agency assist providers in creating recovery housing for survivors of human trafficking. She currently serves on the advisory council for the Kentucky Recovery Housing Network and the Kentucky Re-Entry Housing Taskforce.
Kathy Taylor
Justice System Liaison
Before joining the Fletcher Group as Director of Criminal Justice Initiatives, Kathy worked with Kentucky’s Division of Probation and Parole to develop and implement a Substance Use Disorder Program and before that served as the Adult Institutions Corrections Officer and Case Manager for the Kentucky Department of Corrections. She also served for several years as a Corrections and Community Representative for the Institutional Research Board of the University of Kentucky’s Office of Research Integrity.
Josh Nichols
Director of Information Technology
The Fletcher Group’s new Director of Internet Technology graduated from Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania where he majored in physics, minored in math, and concentrated on computer software. Josh will use his considerable technical skills to support the Behavioral Health Conditional Dismissal Program through IT and software development.
Tanya Vasser
Data Collection Coordinator
The Fletcher Group's new Data Collection Coordinator will apply 20 years of experience managing clinical services in behavioral health, addictions counseling, and treatment to make sure BHCDP's outcomes are diligently documented. A long-time Kentucky resident, Tanya's background in social work underscores her commitment fostering positive change.
Kentucky's Behavioral Health Conditional Dismissal Program is about helping providers like you achieve better outcomes with the valued clients you serve.
Useful Links
Training and Video Tutorials
Community Resources