Your 2-Step Patient Retention Training Starts Here
Step 1: Read the Document Below
To turn the pages, hover your mouse over the lower left corner of the page and click the up or down arrow. To download the Client Retention Training pdf, simply click Client Retention and click the Download Icon in the top right corner.
Kentucky-Providers-Client-Retention-TrainingStep 2: Sign Up to Receive Your Required Training
The patient retention training is for staff who work directly with BHCDP participants, including therapists, case managers and peer support specialists. Topics include harm reduction, initiation and engagement, and barrier relief and recovery housing resources. We ask your team to attend this training within the first 60 days of onboarding as a BHCDP-approved provider or as new staff are hired. If you and your staff need a different time, or a separate training for your organization, we are happy to schedule other dates.
Current Training Dates
- June 11 & 25
- July 9 & 23
- August 6 & 20
- Sept. 3 & 17
- Oct. 1 & 15
- Nov. 12 & 26
- Dec. 10
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