Why This Program?
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Restoring Lives
Restoring Communities
Restoring Families
We've long known that treatment's better than punishment. Now let's prove it!
Great News for Providers
and Their Clients
Kentucky's new Behavioral Health Conditional Dismissal Program brings a wealth of benefits to your clients while increasing your referrals and billings.
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Our Mission
To make Kentucky's pilot program so successful that it's extended throughout the commonwealth to benefit countless more Kentuckians.
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We sign up provider admins and front-line workers like you to participate
Your clients benefit from housing and other resources made available by SB90
Together we document the results so the program can be extended to others
How To Participate
Outcome documentation is essential to the program's success. Here's what you'll need to know and do to make it work.
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How To Get Started
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How Are We Doing?
40 of Kentucky's estimated 500 providers have been signed up.
The benefIts of Kentucky's new Behavioral Health Conditional Dismissal Program are game-changing, but they won't reach clients without the participation of providers like you. The good news is we have staff standing by to help guide your success.
Sign Up Now!
Our Success
Kentucky's Behavioral Health Conditional Dismissal Program is already at work, helping elibible clients receive the treatment they need for long-term recovery.
Provider admins and front-line workers currently participating
Clients benefitting from resources made possible by SB90
Counties qualifying. And more to come when the pilot succeeds!
We Need You!
If you're a provider with clients who can benefit from this pilot program...
Contact Us By Clicking Here!
Pulaski County native in his first year of recovery
His Story
Hopkins County native in first year of recovery.
Her Story
McCracken County native in first year of recovery.
His Story
Kentucky's Behavioral Health Conditional Dismissal Program currently operates in 11 counties: Christian, Clark, Daviess, Greenup, Hopkins, Kenton, Letcher, Madison, McCracken, Oldham, and Pulaski.
Read Success Stories
& Hope
SB90 Sponsors
The legislation that created the Behavioral Health Conditional Dismissal Program marks a bold departure from tradition. Let's make sure it succeeds!
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“It's transformative to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This is just an excellent step in the right direction."
David Yates
“Everyone agrees that the vast majority of our prison population could benefit from some sort of behavioral-health intervention.”
Whitney Westerfield
“Every study you will read will say that a person is less likely to be a recidivist or a relapser once you get beyond a year. If you get them some type of skills and training and a job, your likelihood of relapsing or recidivism even drops greater than that.”
Robert Stivers
Still Uncertain?
If you'd prefer to talk with someone before signing on, feel free to email Provider Liaison Jade Hampton at jhampton@fletchergroup.org.
Email Jade Now
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Treatment vs. Punishment
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Things To Do
Join the Program!
Get Oriented
Document Outcomes